Luxurious Spa Services in West Palm Beach, FL

Facials, Peels, Waxing in West Palm Beach and Essex, Ma.

Personalized Spa Facials West Palm Beach


Part of keeping your skin beautiful and radiant, is getting a relaxing and rejuvenating facial every once in a while. The skin of your face is very delicate and should only be treated with high-quality ingredients, which is why at Beauté Therapies, we only work with Dermophisiologique’s all-natural botanical products made in Italy; delivering vitamins and nutrients to the cells, and leaving you with beautiful looking skin.

Spa Services


Sometimes you just need a good peel to revitalize your skin, and give you back your glow, smoothness. Peels remove dead cells and get rid of accumulated dirt and bacteria, letting your skin breath and improving its overall texture. Our peel services guarantee youthful, silky skin that you’ll love.

Spa Services


No longer will you have to wax with unsafe products. At Beauté Therapies, we provide top-notch waxing services, including Basic Bikini, Brazilian Bikini, underarms, eyebrows and much more. What’s even better is that you won’t have to put up with the pain because we offer numbing cream, and we do all of our waxing services with our organic botanic wax from Italy, that treats and soothes the skin.

Spa Services

Finishing Touches

It’s always great to finish the look with a bang! And for that Beauté Therapies offers eyebrow and eyelash tint, customized for your individual color. Plus, you will have access to both face and body tans, to finish off the look. What’s best than rocking a beautiful golden tan without the harmful effects of the sun?! Our trained technicians air brush your body for a natural looking tan that can be of any shade you desire.