Here Are Your Options for Facial Fillers

Considering giving your face a boost? There are usually a few different options. You can either go under the knife or do something more simple such as facial fillers. The beauty of getting facial fillers in Essex, MA, is that they are quick, long-lasting, and are nowhere near as intimidating as cosmetic surgery. When people think about making cosmetic changes, they usually assume surgery is the only option. But, this could not be farther from the truth. Facial fillers are a simple way of changing your appearance without making drastic changes. There are also many different kinds of facial fillers you can choose from, giving you tons of options. Not sure which way you want to switch it up? Read below to get an idea of the many different kinds of facial filler options.
There are many different kinds of Juvederm, such as Ultra XC, Volbella XC, and Vollure XC, but one thing they all have in common is the results. Juvederm is an injectable that gives a more natural-looking result, making it perfect for someone getting facial fillers for the first time. This kind of filler is usually for the lips. Many people who want plumper and fuller lips will get lip fillers with Juvederm. Lip injections are a great way to change the face without doing anything dramatic. Your features will look the same, but your lips will have a little boost to them. The Juvederm Ultra XC is also used for lines that form around the nose and mouth. For those that have these lines, you can knock them out with these injectables, too.
Maybe your core facial features don’t bother you, but the chin area does. No matter how thin someone is, they are at risk of getting under chin fat, typically called the double chin. Many people try and lose the excess skin under the chin by exercising, but that can only do so much. The only way to permanently remove this skin is to use fillers. The kybella facial filler procedure dissolves the skin under the chin, giving the appearance of a sharper jawline. There are tons of products on the market that boast about being able to remove under the chin skin; however, many of these products are scams. Don’t fall for these scams and spend tons of money on them; come in and get filler that actually works.
If your number one concern is facial wrinkles, then belotero is the facial filler for you. The belotero filler is especially great for removing smile and smoke lines and wrinkles. Any wrinkling you have around the mouth can get fixed with a quick filler at Beaute Therapies Medical Spa. The best part about these injectables is that they last for up to 6 months. You won’t have to worry about getting the fillers done again for a while, and they won’t become a monthly reoccurring cost.
If you are looking for something more temporary that can fix many of the lines on your face, Botox is the treatment for you. Botox is by far one of the more popular types of facial fillers in Essex, MA. People of all ages get Botox, too. Many assume that it’s a procedure for those who are older with wrinkles; however, that’s not true. It’s actually great for younger people to come in and get Botox, even before wrinkling. The reason is that Botox doesn’t just remove fine lines; it can also prevent them. Botox injections usually last for about 3-4 months, but everyone is different. Some people choose to come in every 3-4 months to get them re-done, while others wait longer. Whatever your fine line needs are, our team can help find the perfect Botox plan for you.
Contact Beaute Therapies Today!
Whatever part of your face you are looking to change, there is a facial filler treatment available. The best part about fillers is that there is usually no long recovery time, the change is subtle, and they last for a long time. Undergoing a cosmetic procedure is a big commitment that requires a lot of downtime and can be pricey. With facial filler in Essex, MA, you get all the perks of surgery without any of the negatives. To book your consultation appointment today, give us a call at (978) 890-7122.