a woman receiving laser treatment on her face

What are the Most Popular Types of Laser Treatments in West Palm Beach, Florida?

In 2019, laser treatments in West Palm Beach, Florida and beyond took off. Now, more than ever, people are looking for ways to prevent aging and obtain healthier skin. Lasers are among the most sought-after solutions, and rightfully so. There are numerous types of laser treatments offering incredible results. Some include resurfacing, probiotic skincare, laser skin tightening, and so much more. Keep reading to learn more about these particular types!  

Skin Resurfacing Laser Treatments in West Palm Beach, Florida  

C02 lasers are useful for resurfacing skin on the face. Now, what does that mean? What is a C02 laser and why would anyone want to resurface their skin? The C02 laser removes the surface layers of the skin, which then allows for new skin to grow in its place. This also produces more collagen, a natural element that gives plumpness and a natural glow to the facial region.  

Probiotic Skincare 

While this option isn’t necessarily laser-based, it is a trend we can’t skip over. Probiotic skincare includes products such as serums, oils, concentrates, creams, and more. The term probiotic means that the products are infused with bacteria. The bacteria are naturally able to give brighter complexions, heal scars, acne, and uneven coloring. Conditions a probiotic skincare product can cure are sun damage, Eczema, Rosacea, acne, and overly oily skin.  

Laser Skin-Tightening  

As people get older, their skin naturally loses collagen and the face begins to droop. This creates a plethora of fine lines and wrinkles. Fortunately, there are numerous treatments out there that target sagging skin. A popular method is laser skin-tightening. The laser naturally pulls skin back into its original place. People love this method because the results are immediate. If the treatment is continued over the long-term, users can find long-lasting results.  

Tattoo Removals  

Some individuals don’t think of a tattoo removal laser as a cosmetic treatment. However, there are people out there who really dislike the ink on their skin. To have a tattoo removed is a commitment and sometimes even painful, but the new and improved lasers are making this process easier.  

Spider Veins  

Last, but certainly not least are spider veins. They are natural for many individuals, yet almost all people who have them find them frustrating to look at. Sometimes they inhibit a person from wearing dresses or shorts. While treating spider veins used to be a painful procedure, non-invasive lasers can actually help reduce the veins with minimal side effects!  

If you’re looking for laser treatments in West Palm Beach, Florida, you’re in the right place. At Beaute Therapies Medical Spa, we have over 25 years’ worth of experience. We are experts in aesthetic injections, laser technologies, and genuine customer care. Some of injectables include Botox, soft tissue fillers, and popular skincare procedures include chemical peels, sclerotherapy, and laser hair removal. Our spa services include massage, body treatments, waxing, tinting, and more. Call our team today at 561-563-3399 and see how we can help you live your most radiant.  

acne free face of a man after treatment

Can Skin Rejuvenation Help Acne Scars?

Dealing with acne at any age can be embarrassing. White heads, black heads, and related redness and scarring can greatly impact even the most confident person’s self-esteem. For people living with severe skin issues like cystic acne, the struggle seems to never end. Popping pimples may be momentarily satisfying, but it often causes long-term damage including discoloration and scars. These skin issues can last for years, even after acne has cleared. If you are living with acne scars that affect your daily life, skin rejuvenation in West Palm Beach could be your solution. Here’s how Beaute Therapies can help. 

Skin Damage Caused by Acne 

To understand the benefits of skin rejuvenation treatment, you need to understand how acne can cause long-term skin damage. Beyond the obvious damage caused by picking, scratching, or popping zits, acne itself can lead to skin issues. Acne is most often caused by pore-clogging debris such as dead skin cells, dirt, and make up. These particles cause build up in your skin’s natural oils, leading to blemishes.  

The type of blemishes you experience can dictate the potential damage caused to your skin. Surface pimples can easily be popped, causing the aforementioned irritation. These open sores can also become infected, leading to more acne developing or skin infections.  

Pimples which form under the skin can be painful to the touch and damage the skin due to a build-up of pressure. While it is best to allow these blemishes to come to the surface naturally, the temptation to dig at them and force the contents to the surface and out of your skin can lead to pore collapse, causing the formation of pit marks. Just like other forms of acne, this can lead to infection and the worsening of your breakout.  

Cystic acne is a moderate to severe skin condition caused by clogged pores which may become infected or form cysts. It may also be caused by hormonal changes, which is why some teens continue to struggle despite use of topical treatments. Cystic acne may require treatment by a dermatologist who can prescribe both topical ointments and prescription antibiotics to address the issue. 

How Skin Rejuvenation in West Palm Beach Can Help Acne Scars 

Skin rejuvenation is not an acne treatment. This procedure should not be performed on skin experiencing a current breakout. It can be used to help minimize or eliminate the appearance of acne marks including: 

  • Discoloration 

  • Acne scars 

  • Collapsed pores 

  • Overall skin texture 

At Beaute Therapies, your skin rejuvenation in West Palm Beach begins with a consultation. During this time, our skin care specialists will assess your skin’s current condition and help you understand what to expect. It’s important to recognize that skin rejuvenation is not intended as a one-and-done treatment. Instead, it improves your skin’s appearance over time and may require more than one treatment. 

Your skin rejuvenation options at Beaute Therapies include: 

Laser Treatment which can reduce the appearance of scars and discoloration. 

Skin Peel Facials which remove old, dead layers of skin and reveals smoother, softer, new skin. 

Spa Facials which use the best available skin care products to cleanse, exfoliate, and rebalance skin. 

If you are ready to say good bye to embarrassing acne scars, let us help you. Contact us today for more information about your options. 

a woman receiving beauty treatment on her face

Five Beauty Treatments to Enhance Your Big Day

Your wedding day is something many people look forward to from the time we learn what marriage is. From fairy tale arrangements, to themes that are more dramatic and abstract, planning your big day is something unique to each couple and their love story. Making sure your wedding is a magical event you will never forget is a team effort, and we at Beaute Therapies want to help you look as good as you feel. These five face and body treatments can help enhance your natural beauty as you prepare for the next chapter of your life. 

Waxing or Laser Hair Removal 

If you want to remove unwanted body hair before your big day (and special night), waxing is a great option. Unlike shaving, which can leave unsightly razor bumps and cause ingrown hairs, waxing in West Palm Beach gives you the smooth skin you want. Waxing removes hair at the root, giving long lasting results even if you are prone to rapid regrowth. From eyebrow shaping to full body hair removal, our waxing specialists are fully trained to cater to your needs. If you choose to get waxed before your wedding day, allow at least a few days between your appointment and the ceremony to allow any redness or tenderness to disappear. 

Concerned about the pain? Beaute Therapies also offers laser hair removal in West Palm Beach. Get the same great results with less pain or skin irritation. You can also elect for topical numbing cream if you are especially sensitive or you’ve never had waxing or a laser hair removal treatment. 


Everyone wants that ‘WOW’ moment when your partner first sees you at the altar. Spa facials in West Palm Beach can help you get the reaction you are looking for! Our special skin care treatments clear and minimize pores, reduce redness, and leave skin looking radiant and soft to the touch. Our facials are great for all skin types, including those with acne-prone skin or sensitivities. By using products specifically developed for your skin concerns, we help you put your best face forward as you step into a new life. 

Make pampering yourself a chance to bond with those close to you! Bring your closest friends and family along for the day and feel the love and support as you prepare for the amazing journey ahead. Or you can book an intimate day with just the two of you, spending time together before the vows. 

Botox and Fillers 

Despite the negative press, Botox and fillers are a great way to enhance your natural beauty without going too far overboard. Botox helps to minimize the appearance of wrinkles while fillers can be used to plump lips, give the appearance of a straighter, more even nose, or make other minor improvements. If you choose to get either face enhancing procedure before your wedding, be sure to allow enough time for settling. You should also be careful to ensure your administrator is trustworthy and experienced, like those at Beaute Therapies. 

Skin Rejuvenation 

Similar to facials, skin rejuvenation in West Palm Beach ensure you are looking your best in your wedding photos by taking care of your skin. Unlike a spa facial, however, skin rejuvenation involves technologies and methods which uncover new, younger skin by gently removing older, damaged layers. Rather than just carrying for the topmost layer of skin, skin rejuvenation procedures help you look and feel younger through longer-lasting means. Wrinkles are less noticeable because newer skin is more elastic and nourished than dead outer layers.  

Because this beauty treatment involves newly exposed skin, give yourself time to heal and anticipate sensitivities. You may not be able to wear make-up or do anything else to your skin for up to two weeks while you wait for it to heal. 

Body Contouring 

As one of the most involved forms of beauty enhancement one can get before your big day, body contouring is a form of cosmetic surgery which small amounts of body fat are removed to provide the silhouette you desire on your big day. Body contouring in West Palm Beach can be done on the abdomen, back, hips, and thighs. It is not a weight loss procedure and will not solve issues with sagging skin, stretch marks, or cellulite.  

To consult our team of experts about body contouring, skin rejuvenation, or any of our other services offered in West Palm Beach, contact us today! 

Facial Fillers West Palm Beach

You Deserve a Spa Day in West Palm Beach

If you are like thousands of other mothers in West Palm Beach caring for kids and working at a full-time job, you know life can get a bit stressful. Often, we don’t take time for ourselves because we get so wrapped up in our family’s needs. If you are in need of some “me” time, why not try a medical spa in West Palm Beach? Beaute Therapies Medical Spa in West Palm Beach. Boasting over 25 years of experience in the beauty and health industry, has a team of nurse practitioners and paramedical aestheticians who will address all of your health and beauty needs in a comfortable relaxed spa setting. What’s more, they have so many new treatments to try ranging from Botox/Xeomin, soft tissue fillers, body contouring and spa services such as massage, facials and many other body treatments that you’ll love to indulge in.   

Will MFace Look Frozen from Botox Injections?  

Millions of women everyday love the look that from Botox gives them. So much so that this series of painless injections administered with a fine needle, can diminish fine lines and wrinkles and leave you with a more refreshed and youthful appearance. Botox may not be for everyone, please check with your primary doctor before beginning Botox injections and any injectable soft tissue filler. At Beaute Therapies Medical Spa in West Palm Beach, our medical professionals will make sure that your facial expression is natural looking —our ultimate goal is for women to look themselves –no “frozen faces here. We will need to determine the amount of injections needed to achieve your goals. Some may find that the procedure may sting a bit but generally there is very little pain involved. However, if you wish, your doctor can prescribe a numbing crème to administer beforehand to make you more comfortable. What’s great about Botox is that there is really no down time. You can go home that same day (and even return to work) with just an ice pack for slight bruising and redness. Rubbing or massaging the injection site should be avoided as you can dislodge the filler and cause it to move to other areas of the face.  

Will Body Contouring Treatment Hurt? 

When we think of putting on our swimsuit year after year, the excitement of it tends to wane as we get older, especially if we have put on a pound or two. But not to worry, at Beaute Therapies Medical Spa in West Palm Beach, our Venus Legacy procedure will give you a new found confidence so that you will look forward to putting on a swimsuit once again. Venus Legacy is a non-invasive medical device that reduces cellutlite on hips, butt and legs and other wrinkled problem body areas. This very safe, cutting-edge procedure involves the use of a multi-polar radio frequency and pulsed electromagnetic fields. Although it sounds a little scary, it really just feels like a warm massage washing over you and what’s more, there is no down time. You can go back to work or your daily activities soon after your procedure.  

Health and Wellness Treatments 

At Beaute Therapies Medical Spa in West Palm Beach, our holistic approach to health and wellness sets us apart from the rest, with anti-aging treatments that are designed to address the aging process at the cellular level. Mixed in their state of-the-art lab, a vitamin-infused cocktail is blended with antioxidants and amino acids once they have determined the nutrients your body needs such as Vitamin C and D, B12, Biotin and more to keep your metabolism at an optimum level. We also offer spa facials and chemical peels, Ultherapy, micronutrient testing and nutritional supplements, soft tissue fillers, waxing and much more. Why not be the envy of all your friends? Call Beaute Therapies Medical Spa in West Palm Beach for a free consultation at (561) 653-3399. 

a woman face after beauty therapy

Are Soft Tissue Fillers for Me?

Soft tissue fillers are all the rage with women of all ages. All over the world women want to look and feel their best without a lot of invasive facial procedures. Pillow plump lips, high cheek bones, soft smooth skin—who wouldn’t want to look 10 years younger if they could?  At Beaute Therapies Medical Spa, you can regain your youthful glow and appearance with little or no downtime in just one session. In less than one hour in our office, you’ll walk out looking and feeling better than ever. What’s the secret? It’s simple–you can achieve this look with soft tissue fillers in West Palm Beach. And what’s more, soft tissue fillers are perfectly safe, and most are FDA approved. These fillers will make you look like you’ve just spent a week at a spa but with longer lasting results. The best part is that people will notice that something is different but it is so subtle that they will never really know—just that you look even more fabulous.  The latest soft tissue fillers are non-invasive and designed to make subtle adjustments in your appearance. With little or no swelling, you’ll achieve your youthful glow once more. 

Get Plenty of Plump with Soft Dermal Fillers 

At Beaute Therapies Medical Spa, we use soft dermal fillers such as Radiesse and Juvederm. Each contains amazing moisture storing properties that are responsible for restoring the plump fullness and volume in your face and lips. Once injected with a small needle under the skin, the filler goes to work plumping up your face and working with your natural collagen to magically restore volume to your face. The effect can last anywhere from 4 to 6 months. What are some of the immediate pros and cons of soft dermal fillers in Fort Lauderdale? 

Fast acting – One trip to Beaute Therapies Medical Spa is all you need to get the plumped up look you desire. Your medical professional will require a short follow-up visit after the treatment to make sure that everything is progressing well and to see if you have any questions. 

One syringe could be all you’ll need – One injection is usually recommended dose for smoothing fine lines and wrinkles. Your doctor will determine if you need more. 

No down time – Get the look you want in an hour or less and go to work the very next day. Swelling and bruising are very minor.  

No commitment – If you don’t like the look, your soft tissue filler will dissolve in 4-6 months so you can decide to try again or not. Or try something else if you prefer. At Beaute Therapies Medical Spa, we offer a range of soft dermal fillers in West Palm Beach. 

We can make adjustments  The good news is that at Beaute Therapies Medical Spa, we have the expertise and knowledge to fix any filler problem (from another doctor), right away. That’s why doing your research to select the best doctor for the job is crucial. Unlike our highly-skilled medical team, sometimes in this business, you’ll find doctors who are not well-trained in this area and can botch a soft filler treatment. 

If you’re interested in facial fillers such as Botox, KybellaRadiesse or Juvederm,  look no further than the cosmetic center that does it all. Beaute Therapies Medical Spa is experienced in the most advanced medical laser and aesthetics procedures which include the latest soft tissue fillers in West Palm Beach. Call us today for a free consultation and skin evaluation at (561) 653-3399. 

body contouring in West Palm Beach

Three Forms of Body Contouring in West Palm Beach, Florida

Body contouring in West Palm Beach, Florida isn’t new, but recent beauty trends have made them more popular. Ideally, body contouring targets a specific area with excess fat and removes the fat cells in that area, all while shaping the body to flow naturally with the new space. Body contouring depends on body fat percentages, anatomy, and personal preferences. Some areas are simply challenging to remove. No matter how much working out a person does, those areas don’t seem to improve on their own! Common locations include the thighs, back of the arms, and love handles. In this article, we’ll discuss the many types of body contouring you can choose from!  


One of the most common methods of body contouring includes freezing the fat. It’s a non-invasive approach that doesn’t call for needles or anesthesia. Not all plastic surgery or medical spas will offer this particular procedure, but it is a popular choice. For those that fear going under anesthesia or have a significant fear of needles, this could be the best option for you! Body contouring allows one to enhance the natural beauty of your body without a major operation. People can return to work in no time, choosing to have just one or multiple sessions. The more times that the session is performed, the less fat cells that will need to be targeted.  


Liposuction, otherwise known as lipo, is the most traditional method. It involves removing fat cells from specific parts of the body to achieve the desired silhouette. Many modern advancements is the field have made this a safe and effective body contouring method. It’s an excellent tool for removing larger areas of stubborn fat, however it also comes with a longer downtime period for a full recovery.  


SmartLipo uses heat alongside traditional liposuction methods. It liquefies the fat cells, so that they are easier to extract. SmartLipo also makes the healing process less painful. Liposuction is a legitimate surgery, so any help for the downtime is an excellent advantage.  

Fat Transfers  

You’ve probably seen the ever morphing bodies of the world’s most famous celebrities which seem to happen overnight. Their thinner wastes and rounder bottoms are often achieved through fat transfers. This modern form of body sculpting takes fat from undesired locations, and places it in areas where it is preferred.  

If you’re looking for a medical spa that offers body contouring in West Palm Beach, Florida, you’re in the right place! At Beaute Therapies Medical Spa, we offer a plethora of different aesthetic services, including body sculpting. Our advanced procedures call for little downtime and overall satisfaction with your results! Whether it’s Botox, fillers, or chemical peels, we have you covered!  

We can’t wait to give you the look you’ve always wanted! Our team has over a decade of experience, and we’re proud to offer you plenty of advice and professional wisdom along the way. When you’re considering body contouring, you don’t want to choose just anyone. Instead, go with the experts and call our team today at 561-653-3399.  

Botox West Palm Beach

Three Ways Botox in West Palm Beach Can Make Your Look Younger

If you’re thinking about Botox in West Palm Beach, Florida, you’re not alone. Thousands of people every year are considering the minor cosmetic procedure as an alternative to aging. Because Botox has been around for quite some time, it has a more trusted than some of the newer anti-aging procedures. The benefits of Botox are out of this world, which is precisely why patients come back time and time again.

The art of Botox is simple. The serum is injected into areas where a person wants to reduce their fine lines and wrinkles. The goal is to soften the lines, creating a more youthful appearance. The effects are noticed almost immediately, and some results will last for months! Let’s take a look at all of the ways Botox can truly become your Fountain of Youth.  

Reduce Crow’s Feet with Botox in West Palm Beach, Florida  

One of the first areas people tend to notice they’re aging is around their eyes. Otherwise known as crow’s feet, these fine lines flare up when an individual gets older. They immediately give away the age of a person and can cause insecurity and frustrations. Botox removes these lines, giving the patient a beautiful, flawless complexion that seems to be brand new!  

Reduce Migraines  

While migraines aren’t something one can see, they are an illness that will wear on a person’s face. The constant clenching of the eyes can lead to wrinkles in the brow line, forehead lines, and crow’s feet. When a person gets consistent migraines on a regular basis, those wrinkles are more prone to show up faster. Botox is a benefit on both sides. Not only will it reduce the amount of migraines a person has, but it will also take away the signs of aging!  

Reduce Forehead Lines  

The expression of wearing one’s heart on one’s sleeve should really be changed to wearing emotions on the forehead. Every thought and feeling we experience as humans end up right in the center of our face. When we are angry, our eyebrows furrow. When we are sad, our eyebrows droop. When we are happy or surprised, we raise our foreheads. These expressions are natural, yet they also bring plenty of wrinkles to the surface, especially as we get older. The expressions we have most often will begin to pattern themselves and become prevalent even when we’re relaxed! Botox helps to eliminate those patterns from forming, as well as taking away existing lines.  

 If you’re looking for a place specializing in Botox in West Palm Beach, you’re in the right place. At Beauté Therapies Medical Spa, our team has plenty of experience when it comes to giving our clients the look they’ve always dreamed of. In addition to Botox, we also offer facials, peels, waxing, tissue fillers, and so much more.

Don’t wait to be confident in your own skin! Call Beauté Therapies Medical Spa today at 561-653-3399.  


Five Holistic Benefits of Massage in West Palm Beach, Florida

Massage in West Palm Beach, Florida is a treat, no doubt. You lie peacefully in a quiet room, perhaps even with candles. There is usually relaxing music playing ever so slightly overhead. The warm atmosphere and essential oils can bring anyone into a state of blissful tranquility. However, what if the experts at Beaute Therapies Medical Spa told you that massage had some holistic benefits as well? The relaxation is part of the magic, but there are other incredible events happening inside your body!  

Massage in West Palm Beach, Florida Relieves Chronic Pain  

Did you know that massage can actually increase a person’s serotonin level? When our serotonin levels are at a high, the pain in our body naturally diminishes. About 35% of people with chronic pain say they experience less pain as the massage is happening and immediately afterwards. For those with Fibromyalgia, massage can relax many of the frustrating traits such as pain, fatigue, headaches, and spasms.  

Reduce Depression and Anxiety  

Unfortunately, anxiety and depression are part of our world, but there are ways to manage besides medications. Massage is shown to lower stress, lower inflammation, lower insomnia, and lower the chances of depression. For some individuals who have a lot of pain and stress, massage can help regulate their moods to a more positive place.  


Many individuals these days tend to have a career that places them in a car, in front of a computer, or on their phones. This causes plenty of tension in the back of the neck and the back. Massage is a way to work out some of those unhealthy posture positions by resetting the body back to a relaxed and harmonious state. The body can naturally reshape itself back into a natural position.  

Relieve Migraines  

Headaches are common in Americans, and sometimes those headaches even become migraines. The act of massaging the neck can work out tensed muscles that actually create a migraine. These muscles are found directly below the skull and can also be found along the shoulders. The more tense a person tends to be, the more migraines they tend to have.  


Last, but certainly not least, massages help to improve flexibility. Massage stimulates blood flow, and it also helps the other chemicals in the body to move smoothly. When a massage therapist focuses on the muscles and tendons, they’re allowing your muscles to relax and stretch more fluidly.  

If you’re looking for massage in West Palm Beach, Florida, contact Beaute Therapies Medical Spa today. We welcome you to escape in the beauty of our treatments and ambiances. Established in 1998, we have years of practice and professionalism. Our years have taught us which traditions to keep, and what new medical advancements to welcome. Besides massage, we also offer spa services, peels, tinting, waxing, and so much more! Call Beaute Therapies Medical Spa today at 561-653-3399 and see how we can help you become the best version of yourself possible! 

Chemical Peels West Palm Beach, FL | Chemical Peels Near Me

Unwind, Relax, and Restore at a Medical Spa in West Palm Beach

A day at a spa in West Palm Beach is the perfect gift for your mom, sister, significant other or you! It’s a chance to pamper yourself for an entire day with a facial, massage and maybe even a rejuvenating body scrub or salt wrap. What could be more blissful than a gentle exfoliation body treatment after a one-hour relaxing massage? Sound amazing? Wonder why you don’t make a point of doing this more often? Sometimes we are so overworked and stressed out from our day-to-day activities that we don’t take the time we need to relax and rejuvenate. It’s important to pamper yourself and grab some me time whenever you can. The kids, house, husband, work, dog—will all survive without you for a day or even just an hour to give yourself the ultimate gift—a day at a med spa in West Palm Beach. 

You Deserve a Day of Beauty in West Palm Beach 

Now with so many medical spas to choose from it’s hard to decide where to go. So how do you choose? You want to go to a spa with a top-notch reputation, experience and lots of great treatments. At Beaute Therapies Medical Spa we have a variety of spa, skin and body rejuvenation therapies and health and wellness treatments to choose from. Why look any further? We have been in the health and beauty business in West Palm Beach for over 25 years. There is something to be said for longevity in this industry and over the years we have treated wonderful repeat clients who have left us glowing reviews. We offer private consultations and when we meet, our spa specialist team would love to customize a beauty, health and wellness plan just for you. 

Get Beach Body Ready at a MediSpa in Palm Beach 

With a menu chock-full of unique spa and wellness treatments, it’s hard to know exactly which to choose. You may be interested in a facial filler like Botox or Juvederm or Kybella, a new treatment to improve and smooth the appearance of your chin, or a light, anti-aging chemical peel. In addition to our skin rejuvenation therapies we also offer laser hair removal, waxing and body contouring. With many days of hot humid summer ahead of us in South Florida, you can be bikini body ready in no time with a body contouring, skin tightening treatment called Venus Legacy. The treatment is pain-free. It literally feels like a warm massage that requires just a few weekly treatments. Call Beaute Therapies Medical Spa today to see if you’re a candidate for Venus Legacy or go to our website www.beautehtherapies.com for more information to see before and after photos. In addition to our spa and rejuvenation services, we also offer anti-aging treatments. So, call us today in West Palm Beach at (561) 653-3399. We look forward to creating a beauty, health and wellness plan just for you! 


Why Fight the Signs of Aging?

How to slow the aging process is definitely in the news and on our minds frequently these days, especially baby boomers. We live in a youth-oriented society, but that doesn’t mean we can’t look our best at any age. In fact, men and women of all ages are looking and feeling better than before—and living longer. We exercise more, eat healthier organic foods and less red meat. Who wants to age gracefully when there are so many potions, lotions and nutritional supplements on the market that can help us fight off its damaging effects? One therapy that is becoming more and more popular as an ant-aging inhibitor is simply called IV vitamin therapy. No, it’s not like popping a morning vitamin C gummy.  It’s much more than that! And since people keep showing up for it, even celebrities have jumped on the IV vitamin bandwagon, it seems to be working. Anti-aging centers and medical spas like Beaute Therapies Medical Spa in West Palm Beach are popping up all over the country to offer similar hope to those that want to combat the aging process at every turn.  

What is IV Vitamin Therapy? 

Beaute Therapies Medical Spa’s age renewal services feature the latest therapies for anti-aging and total body detoxification. IV vitamin therapy injections, a method of administering vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream, is very popular with our clients who are interested in a variety of wellness services and living a healthier lifestyle. A combination cocktail of vitamins is generally used, but the most popular seem to be Vitamins C, B, magnesium, calcium and amino acids and antioxidants for good measure. The effects of IV Vitamin therapy last somewhere between two to four days, but some have reported longer lasting effects. What are a few of the benefits of IV vitamin therapy besides the obvious nutritional supplement benefit? Patients have reported a number of things such as: 

-Healthy, glowing skin 

-A noticeable boost to your immune system 

-More energy

-Quick re-hydration after running a race or extreme exercise

-A hangover cure 

-Flushing out unwanted toxins 

-And some have reported that it even helps with sexual dysfunction (more research on that to follow!) 

At Beaute Therapies Medical Spa, we employ a holistic approach to ant-aging treatments. All of our therapies are administered by licensed medical professionals and designed to address the aging process at the cellular level to maximize results. If you are interested in IV vitamin injections and any other anti-aging therapies like detoxification cleanses, skin rejuvenation or nutritional supplements, call us today at (561) 653-3399 to find out more! Our experienced staff and team of medical professionals are committed to helping you achieve the wellness and health you desire.