Chemical Peel Face Treatment with Retinol Serum.

Chemical Peel Treatment Options

Chemical peels are one of the most popular skin treatments available today. They can help improve the overall appearance and health of your skin, and are relatively affordable and safe. It’s important to understand the different types of chemical peels and their associated risks and benefits before deciding which one is right for you.

What is a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is a skin-resurfacing procedure in which a chemical solution is applied to the face or other body areas to improve the texture and tone of the skin. The solution used in a chemical peel can vary, but typically includes some type of acid, such as glycolic acid, salicylic acid, or trichloroacetic acid.

The chemical solution is applied to the skin and left to work for a few minutes. During this time, the acid will penetrate the outer layers of the skin, removing dead skin cells and encouraging the growth of new, healthy skin cells. The result is a smoother, more even complexion.

Types of Chemical Peels

When it comes to chemical peels, there are three main types: light, medium, and deep.

Light Chemical Peels

Light chemical peels are the most common type of chemical peel. These peels use a light acid solution to remove the top layers of the skin, revealing newer, healthier skin beneath. Light chemical peels are typically used to treat minor skin imperfections such as acne, sun damage, and discoloration.

Medium Chemical Peels

Medium chemical peels are a bit more aggressive than light chemical peels. These peels use a stronger acid solution to penetrate deeper into the skin, removing more of the top layers of the skin and stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. Medium chemical peels can treat more severe skin issues such as deep wrinkles, acne scars, and sun damage.

Deep Chemical Peels

Deep chemical peels are the most aggressive type of chemical peel. These peels use a very strong acid solution to penetrate the deepest layers of the skin, removing the top layers and stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. Deep chemical peels are typically used to treat severe skin issues such as deep wrinkles, severe acne scars, and extensive sun damage.

Benefits of Chemical Peels

There are many benefits to chemical peels, including:

• Improved skin tone and texture: Chemical peels can help improve the overall tone and texture of the skin, giving it a smoother, more youthful appearance.

• Reduced acne: Chemical peels can help reduce the appearance of acne, as well as eliminate acne scars.

• Reduced wrinkles and fine lines: Chemical peels can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, giving the skin a more youthful look.

• Reduced discoloration: Chemical peels can help reduce discoloration, such as age spots and sun spots.

• Improved skin health: Chemical peels can help improve the overall health of the skin by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin.

Risks of Chemical Peels

Although chemical peels are generally safe, there are some risks associated with the procedure. These include:

• Skin irritation: The chemical solution used in a chemical peel can cause some skin irritation, such as burning, stinging, redness, and swelling.

• Scarring: In rare cases, chemical peels can cause scarring.

• Changes in skin color: In rare cases, chemical peels can cause changes in the color of the skin, such as hyperpigmentation.

• Infection: In rare cases, chemical peels can cause infection.

It’s important to speak with your doctor about any potential risks associated with chemical peels before undergoing the procedure.


Chemical peels are a great way to improve the appearance and health of your skin. There are three main types of chemical peels—light, medium, and deep—and each type has its own benefits and risks. It’s important to speak with your doctor before undergoing a chemical peel to ensure that the procedure is right for you.

Woman under IPL treatment for skin rejuvenation and treating skin from blemishes.

Benefits of IPL Treatment

IPL treatment is a popular laser skin treatment that offers a variety of skin benefits, from reducing wrinkles to improving skin tone and texture. IPL treatments are non-invasive and require little downtime, making them a preferred choice for many patients who are looking to reverse the signs of aging without the risks associated with more invasive treatments.

What is IPL Treatment?

IPL treatment, also known as photorejuvenation, is a type of laser skin treatment that uses intense pulsed light (IPL) to target areas of the skin with pigmentation issues such as age spots, sun spots, and freckles. The light energy penetrates the skin’s surface, stimulating the production of collagen, while targeting and destroying the melanin-producing cells that cause the pigmentation.

What are the Benefits of IPL Treatment?

IPL treatment offers a variety of skin benefits, including:

Reducing Wrinkles

IPL treatments can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, making the skin look younger and smoother. The light energy stimulates the production of collagen, which helps to firm and tighten the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Improving Skin Tone and Texture

IPL treatments can help improve the texture and tone of the skin. The light energy targets the melanin-producing cells that cause pigmentation, which helps to even out the skin tone. It can also help reduce the appearance of pores, making the skin look smoother and brighter.

Reducing Acne Scars

IPL treatments can help reduce the appearance of acne scars. The light energy stimulates the production of collagen, which helps to fill in acne scars and reduce their appearance.

Treating Sun Damage

IPL treatments can help reduce the appearance of sun damaged skin. The light energy targets the melanin-producing cells that cause pigmentation, which helps to even out the skin tone and reduce the appearance of sun spots.

What to Expect During IPL Treatment

IPL treatments are non-invasive and require little downtime. During the treatment, a special handpiece will be used to deliver the light energy to the skin. You may experience a warm sensation during the treatment, which is normal.

Are There Any Risks Associated with IPL Treatment?

IPL treatments are generally safe and have minimal risks. However, it is important to talk to your doctor before undergoing any type of laser skin treatment, as there are some risks associated with the procedure.

Who Is a Good Candidate for IPL Treatment?

IPL treatments are generally safe for most skin types and tones. However, it is important to talk to your doctor before undergoing any type of laser skin treatment to ensure that you are a good candidate for the procedure.


IPL treatment offers a variety of skin benefits, from reducing wrinkles to improving skin tone and texture. It is a non-invasive procedure that requires little downtime and is generally safe for most skin types and tones. If you are looking to reverse the signs of aging without the risks associated with more invasive treatments, IPL treatment may be a good option for you.

Filler injection into Nasolabial Folds

What Are Nasolabial Folds? – Overview, Causes and Treatment

Nasolabial folds are wrinkles that form from the edges of the nose down to the mouth corners. Facial wrinkles between the eyebrows are commonly referred to as laugh lines. If you don’t take care of your skin and expose it to the smoke or sun, the creases may grow deep and persistent as you age, needing belotero treatment.

These wrinkles are persistent; however, they can range in severity. Naso-labial folds are not a flaw and can be confirmed by a visit to a qualified plastic surgeon. If these wrinkles are bothersome, a competent plastic surgeon should be consulted.


Nasolabial wrinkles deepen with time and are exacerbated by UV damage from the sun and smoking. The sun’s UV rays destroy your skin’s elastin and collagen, which maintain it firm and elastic. Similarly, smoking deteriorates these fibers. Nasolabial creases can become more pronounced with age due to accumulated skin deterioration.

Normal aging can contribute, regardless of whether there has been sun damage or smoking. The shape of your cheekbones changes as you get older. As a result, you may notice that the skin on your cheeks has begun to sag. When you include the cumulative effect of gravity on the skin over the years and the usual depletion of elastin and collagen, you have the perfect storm for developing wrinkles, skin laxity, and nasolabial folds.

Nasolabial folds are often the result of rapid weight increase or decrease. Loose skin is a common side effect of significant weight loss, particularly in the neck and face. The nasolabial folds can deepen and become more noticeable when someone gains weight. But belotero filler can help in their treatment even though other options exist, as discussed in the next section.


Smile lines, sometimes called laugh lines, can be treated in several ways, including a belotero filler. Treatment for a nasolabial fold should be individualized, as the crease’s location and depth are just two examples of the many variables at play. Those thinking about cosmetic surgery should consult us for these and other services like laser, spa facials, and medical aesthetics like Sculptra, threads, radiesse, and botox.

Injectable Dermal Fillers

If you want to smooth out your nasolabial folds, dermal fillers are where you should start. A nasolabial fold filler injected by a plastic surgeon into the skin surrounding the cheeks increases the area’s volume and helps lift the skin. The plastic surgeon’s recommendations about the type and amount of filler will rely on several factors. Two of the most popular fillers are derived from substances found naturally in the body: hyaluronic acid, a component of skin, and calcium hydroxylapatite, a mineral that occurs in bones.

Tightening or Resurfacing the Skin

A dermatologist, plastic surgeon, or skincare specialist may suggest a skin-tightening procedure if sagging or loose skin is the root cause of unsightly nasolabial creases. Such tools include fractional lasers, ultrasound machines, and radiofrequency energy generators. It’s the same sort of procedure each time. In the process, they rip tiny holes in the skin’s protective barrier. It promotes collagen production, resulting in firmer, more robust skin. Belotero treatment could also be considered.


The severity of your nasolabial folds will determine whether you need surgical intervention to correct them. Besides, the nasolabial folds and other facial wrinkles can be smoothed out with a cheek lift or complete facelift. The invasive nature of this cosmetic procedure should be kept in mind. Your period spent recuperating will be longer than usual.

Contact the Experts

Contact Beaute Therapies Medical Spa today for nasolabial fold filler and other treatment options. As a pioneer in the aesthetics industry, we continue with our world-class, innovative service that our clients can trust.

Woman receiving facial filler treatment

How To Get Rid of Fine Lines Around the Eyes and Brows

Do you feel like your eyes and brows make you look older than you are? Wrinkles and creases can make you look tired and less vibrant. But don’t worry. Several treatments available at Beaute Therapies Medical Spa can help you get smoother, more youthful-looking skin around your eyes and brows.

Causes of Lines Around Eyes and Brows

The lines around the eyes and brows, also known as crow’s feet and forehead wrinkles, are a common sign of aging for males and females. They are caused by the natural loss of collagen and elastin in the skin, which decreases skin elasticity and firmness. Repetitive facial movements, such as squinting or frowning, can also form lines and wrinkles in these areas.

Additionally, exposure to UV rays and other environmental factors like smoking and pollution can accelerate aging and cause wrinkles to appear sooner. Below are a few treatment plans for any lines around the eyes and brows.

Belotero Filler Treatment

One of the most effective treatments for reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles is the Belotero treatment. It is an injectable gel filler that contains hyaluronic acid, naturally found in the body. This filler works by smoothing out wrinkles and creases, resulting in a more refreshed and rejuvenated appearance. Our expert staff at Beaute Therapies Medical Spa can help you decide whether this treatment is suitable.

Hyaluronic Acid Fillers

Another option to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines is hyaluronic acid filler. Like Belotero, these fillers work by plumping up the skin from within. They can be used to fill in deep wrinkles and creases and add volume to hollow areas around the eyes. This treatment is great for those seeking a non-invasive solution to achieve smoother skin.

Injectable Gel Filler

Injectable gel fillers are also a versatile option to help reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles around the eyes and brows. They can be made from various materials, such as hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite, and poly-L-lactic acid. The injectable fillers can help smooth out wrinkles and creases by adding volume to the skin. At Beaute Therapies Medical Spa, we offer different types of fillers to suit your specific needs.

Choosing the Right Treatment

At Beaute Therapies Medical Spa, our experienced staff will evaluate your skin and recommend the best treatment plan. Depending on the severity of your wrinkles, we may suggest combining treatments like Belotero treatment and hyaluronic fillers. Our staff will provide all the necessary information and answer any questions, ensuring you feel comfortable and informed before deciding on a treatment.

Don’t let wrinkles and lines bring you down. Our friendly and experienced staff will help you find the proper treatment, whether Belotero filler, hyaluronic fillers, or another option. Contact Beaute Therapies Medical Spa today to take the first step towards achieving smoother, more youthful-looking skin.

Woman receiving dermal filler treatment

You Need To Know These Things Before Your Belotero Treatment

Many people who are confident about their appearance often smile a lot. A nice smile doesn’t have to be perfect but when aging sets in, it’s hard to not think about lines sometimes. While we may see ourselves as a better version of what we were years ago, it’s nice to know there are options when it comes to creating a smoother appearance. It’s even better when injectable gel filler procedures don’t interrupt our busy lifestyles.

Getting a Fresher Look

The days of getting a youthful appearance that looks like an experiment are a thing of the past. Technology has made it easier for adults to naturally slow the aging process. Hyaluronic acid fillers, like the Belotero treatment, make this possible.

The nice thing about this procedure, besides minimal recovery, is that it lasts. As many people are watching their finances more than ever, this treatment can last for up to 12 months. While this varies per patient, overall, this treatment may cost less than procedures that require monthly maintenance.

What’s Belotero and How is it Different?

Belotero is a hyaluronic acid filler that has a thinner consistency than most hyaluronic acid fillers. This lighter texture also makes it easier to smooth across the face and other areas, like in and around the lip area. It’s ideal for anyone with mild to moderate wrinkling and can also be used to define the lips.

Under the name Belotero Balance, it has been approved for cosmetic use by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). Like Juvéderm, it’s a synthetic substance made to work with the body’s natural collagen production. This injectable gel filler also goes to work right away so the results are noticeable in a matter of days.

What Can I Expect During the Treatment Process

After scheduling a consultation at our facility, we will assess the condition of your skin and discuss the procedure. This is the time to reveal any allergies, skin conditions, or other medical matters that may affect the outcome. Since this injectable get filler goes deeper into the skin’s surface than Juvéderm, it’s not recommended for anyone who scars easily. If you are prone to hyperpigmentation, or skin darkening, we may have a better-suited alternative to the Belotero filler.

Another advantage of the procedure is that it can be done during your lunch break or while running errands. Each session takes an average of 45 minutes, but this depends on the patient and the severity. Some users feel normal after a day or two, but most patients can resume their normal activities the same day. Minor side effects include mild bruising, redness, and swelling, which typically go away within a week.

For more information, book a consultation at Beaute Therapies Medical Spa where our experienced team is happy to meet with you. We are professionals with more than 20 years in the medical aesthetics industry and pride ourselves on treating our patients with care.

Older woman with smooth face

Why Should You Choose Sculptra for Removing Facial Wrinkles?

For a lot of women, the nice thing about getting older is gaining wisdom or being able to laugh at small things. On the other hand, the laugh lines that grow deeper in our faces can be hard to deal with. Oftentimes, it’s not wanting to look like a different person but having a face that looks more vibrant. While many products and services provide a temporary solution, Sculptra works with your body to get to the heart of the cause.

What is Sculptra Aesthetic and How It Can Change Your Life

This injectable treatment must be administered by a trained professional and applied over a series of clinical sessions. Unlike topical or oral remedies, it works with the body to increase collagen production in the treated area. The active ingredient used in Sculptra procedures is injectable poly-L-lactic acid.

Unlike topical creams, this ingredient is designed to go beneath the skin’s surface and gradually smooth the skin. Poly-L-Lactic Acid filler, or PLLA, provides longer-lasting results, compared to toxins like Botox, which roughly lasts a couple of months. On average, patients that receive this treatment can go for at least two years before they need any type of maintenance.

Are There Any Drawbacks to Using Sculptra?

Most of our clients do not see results right after the procedure is done. This is common, as the area treated takes time to respond to poly-L-lactic acid filler. While results from regular dermal fillers can be seen almost immediately, this ingredient has a different process.

Otherwise, the side effects can vary from one patient to the other. Overall, the majority of these clinical treatments roughly have similar drawbacks but only a trained professional can recommend if this is for you. The poly-L-lactic acid facial is a needle-free alternative that produces similar results to having a filler procedure but without downtime.

Other Information You May Find Useful

While injectable poly-L-lactic acid is a synthetic material, it’s been around for decades. It’s been used in dissolvable stitches and is approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) for use in cosmetic procedures. Visit our web page to see how natural the results look on the average patient.

Whether you’re getting fillers or the poly-L-lactic acid facial, it’s up to you to disclose any medications or if you’re currently under medical care. Us having this information may save you from experiencing unnecessary health risks or complications that may arise. This includes pregnancy or plans to become pregnant in the near future.

Before you waste money on oral products that probably deliver few results, schedule a consultation with Beaute Therapies. We’re happy to address any concerns you may have and want you to feel your best. We offer a number of vast beauty treatments, which include facials and other non-invasive treatments. You can also check out our Client Reviews page to see the wonderful testimonials left by our clientele in the Palm Beach area.

Woman ready for spa treatment

What Is CO2 Facial or Resurfacing and How Does It Work?

CO2 laser resurfacing is a cosmetic procedure that uses concentrated carbon dioxide to remove the outer layers of skin on the face and neck, promoting the growth of new skin cells. Commonly used to treat wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, and other signs of aging, CO2 has the remarkable ability to significantly improve the texture and tone of the skin as well.

How Does Laser CO2 Facial Resurfacing Work?

CO2 facials work by using a high-energy laser or beam of light to remove the top layers of skin. The laser energy is absorbed by water present in the skin, causing it to vaporize and remove dead skin cells. This process naturally stimulates the production of collagen, a protein that gives skin its elasticity. It also helps to promote the growth of new, smoother, more supple skin.

During the procedure itself, the laser is passed over areas to be treated, removing the top layers of skin. Heat present in the layer also helps to tighten underlying skin, reducing the look of fine lines and wrinkles. Depths for resurfacing can be controlled according to patient preference, allowing for the treatment of specific skin concerns without causing damage to surrounding tissues.

What Conditions Do CO2 Resurfacing Treatments Address?

CO2 resurfacing treatments are used to address and treat a wide variety of skin issues, including:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Age spots
  • Acne scars
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Skin elasticity issues

Preparing for the Procedure

Preparing for the best outcome for a CO2 facial involves several deliberate care steps in the days before and up to your appointment. Consult with a qualified healthcare professional, such as a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon, to discuss potential risks, benefits, and expected outcomes of treatment.

Your dermatologist may ask you to stop taking certain medications, such as blood thinners, before the procedure to reduce your risk of bleeding and other complications. Avoid sun exposure and tanning for several weeks prior to the procedure; if you must spend time outdoors, use a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect the sun from harmful UV rays.

Potential Side Effects

As every patient reacts differently to skin resurfacing treatments, there are some potential side effects and risks that are associated with CO2 laser therapy, including:

  • Pain
  • Swelling and redness
  • Scarring
  • Changes in skin color–can be temporary or permanent
  • Infection
  • Changes in skin texture

Following your doctor’s recommendations for downtime and healing will greatly reduce your chances of experiencing these side effects, and you are more likely to yield the promised results from treatment.

Beaute Therapies Medical Spa: Reclaim Your Youth and Beauty!

Beaute Therapies Medical Spa has a number of treatments designed to uncover your brightest, most beautiful you. Botox treatments, laser resurfacing treatments, spa facials, and a number of top-notch spa treatments and products are all designed to enhance your natural beauty and boost confidence. Let us uncover your brightest, most beautiful skin; our trained professionals are ready to serve you. Contact Beaute Therapies Medical Spa today for more information.

Facial filler treatment

How Long Does Sculptra Aesthetic Last?

Sculptra Aesthetic is an injectable poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) filler used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, dimples, and other signs of aging. It works by stimulating the body’s production of collagen to help restore volume in areas where it’s been lost. At Beaute Therapies Medical Spa in West Palm Beach, we offer PLLA treatments to help you look and feel your best.

How Long Does It Last? 

PLLA is a long-lasting filler, with results lasting up to two years. Because PLLA works gradually and stimulates the body’s production of collagen, results appear gradually and can last longer than other types of injectables.

What to Expect

Before the procedure, we recommend that you take ibuprofen or acetaminophen to reduce any possible discomfort. During the procedure, we inject PLLA into targeted areas of your face. We can also treat multiple areas of the face in one visit. You may experience some redness and swelling for a few days after the treatment, but this should go away within a few days.

After the procedure, you should expect to see results in two to three weeks as your body responds to the treatment and begins producing more collagen. Your results should last up to two years, but individual responses may vary.

What You Need to Know Before Choosing Sculptra Aesthetic

  • A poly-L-lactic acid facial is not intended to be used as a one-time treatment. Multiple injections over several sessions are required to achieve desired results.
  • Results appear gradually and can take up to six weeks after the treatment.
  • Results vary from person to person, depending on the severity of wrinkles or folds and other factors such as lifestyle habits and genetics.
  • As with any injectable treatment, there is a risk of side effects such as bruising and swelling at the injection site; these symptoms should resolve within a few days.

Benefits Sculptra Offers in West Palm Beach

The following are some of the benefits Sculptra offers:

  • Reduce signs of aging: Sculptra is great for reducing wrinkles and fine lines as well as for restoring lost volume due to aging.
  • Noninvasive procedure: Sculptra is a nonsurgical, minimally invasive procedure that does not involve cutting or the use of general anesthetics.
  • Natural-looking results: Sculptra is designed to achieve natural-looking results that can last for up to two years.
  • Quicker recovery time: Sculptra requires minimal downtime, and most people can return to their normal activities within a day or two of the procedure.

Method of Treatment

There are several ways to use this poly-L-lactic acid filler. It can be used as a sculpting filler to add volume and definition or as a wrinkle filler in areas with deep wrinkles or folds. When used as a sculpting filler, it is injected into the mid to deep dermis along strategic points on the face to sculpt the contours of the face. When used as a wrinkle filler, it is injected into areas with deep wrinkles or folds.

Call Us Today

Poly-L-lactic acid filler is the perfect option for those looking to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, dimples, and other signs of aging. Our experienced practitioners offer injectable poly-L-lactic acid facial treatments to help you achieve the desired results. We also offer injectables for anti-aging and skin rejuvenation, including injectable neuromodulators and injectable dermal fillers. Contact Beaute Therapies Medical Spa today for a consultation and begin to enjoy these benefits of Sculptra in West Palm Beach.


Woman receiving a chemical peel

Rejuvenize, Vitalize, and Illuminize Peels: What Are the Differences

A chemical peel is a popular and very effective way to rejuvenate skin. Chemical peels work to eliminate surface layers of dead and damaged skin by applying a chemical solution to the skin, resulting in a bright, more youthful complexion. Used to treat a variety of skin issues such as fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne, and sun damage, the chemical peel is usually performed by a licensed skincare professional. Peels come in different strengths and types depending on your desired results.

Rejuvenize Facial Peel

The Rejuvenize chemical peel is a medium-depth procedure that uses an effective blend of acids to exfoliate skin and stimulate the body’s own process of collagen production. This solution is applied in layers, with a neutralizing agent used in between each layer to prevent harsh aftereffects. Moisturizer and sunscreen are applied to the skin after a thorough cleansing to protect delicate underlayers that have been exposed during the procedure.

Healing time for the Rejuvenize process typically takes between 3 to 7 days, during which time a patient may experience redness, mild swelling, and flaking of the skin. Reducing time in the sun and avoiding the use of makeup and harsh cleansers during healing time will optimize results.

Vitalize Facial Peel

The Vitalize chemical peel is a lighter, less invasive treatment that uses a unique combination of alpha-hydroxy acids and trichloroacetic acid to exfoliate the skin and improve fine lines, wrinkles, and even mild acne. These solutions are applied to the skin in a single layer and left on for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on your skin type and your desired results.

Downtime for the Vitalize is shorter in length, with most patients resuming normal levels of activity within 2 to 5 days. Mild redness, dryness, and flaking of the skin may be present; with proper skin care, you can expect to see an improvement in the overall texture and appearance of the skin. The Vitalize is ideal for people with mild to moderate hyperpigmentation and imperfections.

Illuminize Facial Peel

The Illuminize chemical peel is the least invasive of these procedures, using only a mild acidic solution to extract the top layers of skin. A mild blend of salicylic and mandelic acids helps brighten skin and improve tone and texture. One benefit of the Illuminize procedure is that it requires minimal downtime, allowing for a return to normal activities within a day. Safe for nearly all skin types, the Illuminize is used to treat mild skin irritations such as rosacea, sun damage, acne, and fine lines and wrinkles.

Beaute Therapies Medical Spa

Ready for a premier chemical peel treatment to turn back the clock and reveal fresher younger skin? Beaute Therapies in West Palm Beach is ready to provide you with exceptional service and top-notch treatments to get you looking and feeling your best. Medical aesthetics procedures, laser treatments, spa facials, and chemical peels will uncover a brilliant new you! Contact Beaute Therapies today to book your medical spa appointment!

Woman ready for spa treatment

5 Tips To Prep Yourself for Chemical Peel Procedures

If you’re tired of spending money on over-the-counter products with mixed or no results, a chemical peel treatment should be considered. This procedure involves the application of medical-strength ingredients that gently lift a layer of the skin. The new skin is normally smooth or has less discoloration than before. We offer this treatment for acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, and uneven skin tone.

This skin-resurfacing procedure often comes in three types – superficial, medium, and deep. When you visit our medical spa, our skin care specialist looks at your skin while discussing the best option. During the consultation, you should also note the recommended preparation for the best outcome.

1. Disclose All Medical Conditions and Medications

Allergies, previous skin conditions, and natural supplements can affect how chemicals like salicylic acid or other ingredients can affect the areas being treated. If you have a chronic or temporary condition, you may want to talk to your doctor before getting a consultation. Taking this extra step early will save money and time.

2. Understand the Chemical Peel Treatment Type

If the condition you want to treat is moderate to severe, a medium or deep treatment may be advisable. However, if your skin is prone to breakouts, scarring, or is sensitive, the skin care specialist needs to know this upfront. You also need to understand that medium or deep chemicals peels call for all least one week of downtime.

3. Stop Skin Treatments Before Your Appointment

Outside of daily washing with soap, any manipulation of your face or neck can affect the outcome of your procedure. This includes hair removal, microdermabrasion, facial scrubs, or exfoliants. Also if you take Accutane or any form of retinol, you may be asked to stop before receiving treatment.

4. Make Arrangements Before Scheduling Treatment

While superficial skin peels require no downtime and you can resume normal activity the same day, medium and deep treatments require preparation. Since the latter two may call for sedation, you’ll have to arrange a ride from the facility where the procedure was performed. Also, swelling and skin blotchiness is a side effect that results from getting medium and deep treatments.

5. Understand Your Insurance Coverage

Generally, skin-resurfacing procedures are considered cosmetic and not covered by most insurance policies. However, there are some exceptions or your insurance may cover part or all of the consultation. If this is a concern, you may want to talk to your insurance company after the initial consultation.

If you feel skin peel treatments can help your current skin condition, contact Beaute Therapies Medical Spa now for an appointment. We can also answer your questions about the types of modern skincare treatments offered. Our board-certified staff is knowledgeable in a number of procedures and can suggest the right care plan for your skin type.